Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 15


James 1: 22-25, NIV

James calls God’s Word a mirror. The mirror helps us evaluate ourselves. Once you look at a mirror, you can decide if you need to make any changes before you leave for the day. The Bible helps us do that, too. You can look at the Bible in one of two ways: You can glance at the mirror or gaze into it.

This is what glancing in the mirror is. A certain man is ready for his noontime show; he’d walk past the mirror, stop, look into it, and say, “Hey!” He didn’t have to do anything else. He was pure perfection. He just needed a glance.

That’s not the way you look into God’s Word. You don’t just glance at the Word of God in a rushed, hurried manner and then leave. Glancing at God’s Word won’t change your life. I fall into this most of the time, but I thank God because He will give situations that will help me look intently into God’s word and not just glance at it. We will all be tested, and these trials test how we understand and hold on to God’s Words. We will stand the test because of the same reason.

Do you want a life that God blesses? It all starts with gazing into God’s Word. James 1:22-25 gives you the blueprint for how to study God’s Word in a way that he blesses.

• Read your Bible. “... whoever looks intently ...”

• Review the Bible. “... and continues in it ...”

• Remember the Bible. “... not forgetting what they have heard ...”

• Respond to the Bible. “... but doing it ...”

What difference do you notice in your day when you gaze into God’s Word instead of just glancing at it? Does the current amount of time you set apart for your quiet time leave you enough time to read, review, remember, and respond to God’s Word?

Anecita Angel