Friday, January 13, 2012

January 2012 Quiet Time Series

(Hebrews 10:22)
“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” (10:22)
In verse 22 we are called to “draw near” (NIV, KJV) or “approach” God. This is not just small statement. Consider how hard it would be to gain an audience with the CEO of a major corporation or a nation’s president or king. In the ancient Near East the king’s presence was sacred. Even Queen Esther risked the death penalty for approaching her husband King Xerxes without being first summoned (Esther 4:11).
How much more is the presence of a Holy God off-limits to sinful humans? But that is the amazing truth that the writer of Hebrews expounds for us. He uses the same word earlier to invite us into God’s presence:
“Let us then approach (proserchomai) the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (4:16)
Notice the basis of the author’s exhortation in verse 22:
• Sincerity, that is, a sincere (alÄ“thinos, “true, genuine”) heart
• Faith. The word is plÄ“rophoria, “state of complete certainty, full assurance, certainty.”4
• Cleansing. The NRSV translates the word “sprinkled” as “sprinkled clean.” The author is referring to the practice of the Old Testament priests of sprinkling blood on objects and persons to cleanse them ritually and set them apart to God (Hebrews 9:13,19, 21; 12:24; Exodus 24:6 and many times in Leviticus). By Christ we are cleansed of a guilty conscience and given assurance that we are indeed forgiven.
• Baptism, literally “our bodies washed with pure water.” Baptism is an outward symbol of the inner cleansing which we receive by faith.
Challenge: Pray to God that even how insignificant we are before Him, still he wanted us to draw near Him.
Romeo Samson

Luke 9:28:32
Oftentimes, we read in the Bible that Jesus would pray in solitude, on the mountain or very early in the morning. However, in this account of the Transfiguration, we see a different and unique experience: “the appearance of His face changed and His clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.” Jesus had a true connection with the Father. His prayer life gave Him peace and strength that radiate in His face and appearance. It even allowed Jesus to talk to two great men of God, Moses and Elijah. As these two men were talking with Jesus, their appearance was also described as “in glorious splendor.” What caused Moses and Elijah to appear in glorious splendor? Indeed it would be because they were talking to no other than Jesus Himself! Jesus, the begotten Son of God the Father, the Savior of mankind!
But have you ever wondered what they were talking about? Perhaps that is also the reason for their “glorious splendor.” Perhaps they were talking about something very exciting, something great, something magnificent. Luke 9:31b states: “They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem.” Yes, they were talking about death... the death of Jesus which is about to happen in Jerusalem. What could be so exciting, great and magnificent as talking about someone’s death? That would surely be the least topic to talk about that would allow us to appear in “glorious splendor.” Instead, death brings us grief and sadness.
Moses and Elijah had deep peace and complete trust in God. They saw beyond the soon suffering and death of Jesus. They saw the fulfillment of God’s great plan for the salvation of all peoples. They saw how God loves us that He was willing to give up His Son Jesus to die on the cross just for us to have a relationship and reconciliation with Him. Thus, even if they were talking about Jesus’ departure, how He had to suffer and die on the cross for sinners, they still appeared in “glorious splendor.”
Let us evaluate our own prayer times with God. After praying, do we experience the same peace and strength that Jesus had? Does God’s light radiate in our faces? In the midst of challenges and trials, after praying, do we still appear in “glorious splendor” knowing that God is in control? Let us connect and trust God as we pray each day.
January Samson
Scripture: Romans 7:14-24
Have you figured out yet that a lot of times you are your own worst enemy? It’s your own reactions, your own fears, your own inadequacies that cause you to act in foolish ways. I know that’s true for me. I need to be saved from myself because there are things I don’t like about me, things I wish I had done differently, things I’d like to change. But I can’t change them, not on my own power. I need an outside power source.
You may be saying, “I can change.” I hate to say this, but you can’t. In January, you’re going to make a list of New Year’s resolutions. And, by the end of January, that list will be in the dumpster. Why? Because you can’t change on your own; you need God’s power. You need a Savior; someone who can make the changes you can’t make yourself.
Let me make an important point here: God never wastes energy. He doesn’t waste effort on things that are unnecessary. In other words, if you didn’t need a Savior, he wouldn’t have sent one. The very fact that God sent a Savior means you need one.
The truth is, if you are honest about it, sometimes you feel like your life is out of control. That’s a pretty common feeling. Welcome to the human race!
The apostle Paul felt that way 2,000 years ago. Paul says this in the Bible: “I’ve tried everything and nothing helps. I’m at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn’t that the real question? The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does” (Romans 7:24-25 MSG).That’s the answer!
Let me be honest with you. You may be looking for salvation in the wrong places; that’s why you’re frustrated. You’re looking for that one thing that’s going to give you fulfillment and meaning and peace in life. Some of us think that if we could just get married, or if we could just get a certain job, or a promotion, or attain a certain level of wealth, or have a baby — or if our babies would grow up and graduate! — things would be great.
You’re looking in the wrong places.
A lot of people are looking for salvation in a self-help book. Or they’re looking for it in therapy or in a fad or diet. Or they’re looking for it in a vacation: “If I could just escape to Tahiti, everything would be great.” The problem is that if you go to Tahiti, you’re taking you with you!
The answer is not in a place. It’s not in a program or a pill. The answer is a person: Jesus Christ. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life is never going to make sense.
How would your life change if you fully accepted your dependence upon Jesus? What would a “fully accepting” faith look like?
Annie Angel
The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24
If you had all the money you needed, would you still work? A recent study that said 65% of people would continue with their current job even if they had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Money is important commodity; it’s a medium of exchange to live life to the fullest.
I started to realize when I was a fresh graduate from high school, how important the money is in our lives. I was working in a famous fast food chain in the country where kids loves the most. Everything should be worked fast, the faster you work the more energy you lose and at the end of the day I feel so exhausted. That time, I can relate with my mother. It’s not easy to get money; you have to work for it, as hard as you can.
You know, there are some people who love their job more than anything in the world. But I also know other people who would honestly jump at the chance to quit their current job if they were given enough money to live comfortably. This is exactly what happened to me when my long lost Father trying to entice me to cover up his mistakes of letting me grow without him. Yet he gave me a huge amount of money for me to enjoy and to continue my study. So I decided to quit my job in Chowking after two months of service rendered. I thought that’s the starting point to live my life more meaningful and enjoyable. But unfortunately in just a glimpse the money in my palm are no longer huge until it’s gone.
Money can offer you a lot of things to enjoy with but I realized it is just temporary. The desire in our heart to work for money is what motivates us, to delight ourselves in meeting our needs and wants. It’s not bad to work for money; the truth is that God wants you to have balance. But you should not set your job up as an idol, nor should you be bitter about it!
The point of this Scripture (Psalm 37:23-24) is that God has you where you are for a reason if you are delighting in him. But if you attempt to find your full joy in the things of the world, you are going to be disappointed. As you delight yourself in the Lord and allow him to guide your steps in all you do, God will bless you with contentment in all aspects of life... including your job!
Don’t define yourself by what you do for a living. Instead, delight yourself in the Lord and trust in him for your provision and contentment. TRUST IN GOD FOR YOUR WELL-BEING AND SEEK FULFILLMENT IN HIM!
Halbert Tillor
Matthew 10:16-20
In school, reporting is always a challenge to me. I’m afraid I can’t deliver the meaning of the lesson. And for sure, the stage fright will delete the creative report I have in my mind. I can’t ignore those observant eyes of my classmates. They are about to find my mistakes. But when our teacher calls me to be in front, suddenly everything just flows naturally and unbelievably good enough but far from what I’ve planned. And I relate this situation in being a disciple of God. Actually, I don’t need to be someone with no fear at all to do my mission. If I myself was able to do a reporting with my own natural instinct, how much more in my discipleship in which God is at my back? I found out, I just have to rely on God’s wisdom, power and timing. I never even have to worry on what to say when I am questioned about my faith. For it will not be me speaking, but my Father speaking through me.
Rowena Digal
Romans 5: 1-11
It is so amazing that God has shown His grace to us. He gave us mercy, we have received the Holy Spirit and He gave us His son Jesus Christ. By the glory of God we have peace and to the hope we rejoice. We are really nothing without the grace of God and without our Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace is a state in which we now stand and in which we will continue to stand as we continue in our faith. How does living in a state of grace give you security? For me, to know that I am living in a state of grace, it gives me security such a way that God gives me peace and joy in my heart. In vs. 3-5 God let me experience failures and sufferings for me to persevere, for my character, and to be hopeful.
This time I think my reaction towards failure and feel defeated about it is different from before because I think I don’t seriously recognize failures at this time, if failure comes, then I have to rejoice for this makes me to do more to the best I can, persevere and be hopeful with Jesus Christ I am living in grace. Amen.
Alvin Commendador
1Samuel 16:7; Isaiah 53:2-3; Romans 15:3-4
by Irene Glinogo
“Don’t be disturbed when others say things that hurt” is an encouragement to myself whenever people make “saway” of me especially to my physical appearance. But sometimes it hits me so badly and I get so discouraged. Sorry to say this but it’s seemed that I am just looking for outward appearance and forget that these people are lost souls. I repeat LOST SOULS. I thank God that the people who reached out to me were merciful and willing to rather be wronged and cheated just to win the heart of this once lost soul.
Challenge: How can I attract people to search God if I am looking for performance and appearance?
1. Don’t be disturbed when others say things that hurt
(both disciple and not).
2. Look up to God. Lift everything to Him.
3. Be merciful to all people; physically gifted or not,
for we are all creatures of God.
Irene Glinogo
Mark 6:31
Things get worse at times. School, family, friends, and even in the church, some things just come out of control. When this dilemma hits me I normally get frantic and when I’m frantic I become dysfunctional and I worry a lot. What I usually do to ease the pressure is I go to my “hidey- hole” which is the comfort room. It’s the only place in the house where I can be alone. It’s the sole place where I can be spared from the talks outside. I can be isolated and I find it conducive for internalizing things. It’s where I pray and it’s where I compose myself.
It might seem gross to talk with God on the loo but the point is, it is advisable to have a place where you can pour out your heart to God, gain your confidence and start all over again. If you don’t have your “hidey-hole” yet, try having one… Even Jesus had one.
Ruby Digal
Hebrews 10: 19-39; Jude 17:23; 1Timothy 4:16; Matthew 28:18-20
We need to persevere so that when we have done the will of God, we will receive what he has promised us (this is for disciples).-Heb.10:36.
We need to persevere in reaching out others by showing mercy to those who doubt and to snatch them from the fire and save them (this is for both disciples and non-disciples). - Jude 22:23
Doing the will of God in perseverance is not just by words (intellect) but also by actions (heart). We are going to watch our life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them because if we do, we will save both ourselves and our hearers (this is for everyone).-1Tim.4:16.
Challenge: If you are going to rate our perseverance, 10 with the highest and 1 as lowest, what is your rate?
Decisions: Persevere. Pray. Trust God. In perseverance, never forget to trust everything to God. Remember perseverance means:
P-praise God in E-everything
R-revere Him
S- so that He will be with you
E-everywhere you go. Be
N-never give up
C-cause God loves you ‘till the
E-end Irene Glinogo
DAY 10
Matthew 6:25
While I am choosing this scripture, I always remember the providence of God. First, for my food, shelter and clothing. God give us all we need. Second, good health for my family and friends. God is worthy to be praise for all he has done in my life. So why worries?
Let’s continue to be faithful to God. Vivian Belmonte
DAY 11
Proverbs 1:5
Do you have projects or goals that you never to complete? It is hard sometimes when I set goals and it’s not happening.,
Have you ever have a chance to hold the people in your life. When trouble comes, our experience and the character we have developed are measured. Life gives us many opportunities to learn to other peoples experiences and how they respond to such challenges. Wisdom teaches us not to reach beyond what we are able to control. Let us believe that when wise people give us advice it is for our own good and we can learn from there.
You and I need people in our lives. We may think we know better than them or we can be prideful not to ask advice. Let’s listen to wise people as you put your hand in God’s control. The people whom we know, who might have experienced the same trials, can give advice as to what decision or reaction would best fit to our circumstances.
There are many decisions I have made in my life, those hard things to decide I let people to help me out and through enough it does help my life tell now. Do not hesitate!
Rosalie Natural
DAY 12
Galatians 6:9
Here, Paul challenged the Galatians to keep doing good and he challenges us to do the same. But one or the biggest hindrances to do well are the discouragements that often set in when we seek little positive impact from our effort or see our friends, neighbors getting darken and saddened despite our hard work. The temptation are to move from discouragement. But I believe that if we persevere in doing good, God promises, rewards a harvest beyond what we could possibly imagine.
To think about:
Do you feel like giving up?
Do you see yourself without selfish motives?
Julius Baga