Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 11-15, 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 11
Luke 5:27-32

I am not perfect.
I am God’s work in progress.
God hates my sin.
But He loves me though I am a sinner.

You are not perfect.
You are God’s work in progress.
God hates your sin.
But He loves you though you are a sinner.

We are not perfect.
We are God’s work in progress.
God hates our sins.
But He loves us though we are sinners.

We are a fellowship of sinners
Extra special than all of creation
More important than His life in Heaven
As costly as the blood of Jesus.

For Jesus came not for the healthy, but for the sick
For Jesus calls not the righteous, but the sinners
We are a fellowship of sinners
Called by Jesus to repentance!

God loves me, so why shouldn’t I love you?
You are my brother. You are my sister.
As God loves me, so I love you.
Though we are a fellowship of sinners.
January Samson

DAY 12
Psalm 31:24

To be strong is not an easy thing to do daily. But as long as I keep hoping for the Lord I can make it.  Whatever distraction in the office, at home, wherever I go and whatever I’ll be doing. I have to keep my hope in the Lord and to stay strong when I am faced with a lot of problems and hard times in life, even when my faith is being tested.

To be strong is also resisting temptations daily, in keeping myself pure at all times in thought and deed.  I thank the Lord for two consecutive weeks now that I have been victorious in my daily temptations. I praise God for that. And yet I have to continue to be strong in making a good decision daily because I really want to be victorious until the end.
Rosalie Natural

DAY 13
2 Corinthians 5:20

As I read this Scripture, it made me ask this question to myself: Am I eagerly doing the task God entrusted me to do?

I realized that God has hired me to be His ambassador, His very representative, His messenger. I am working as a representative of an all-powerful, almighty and a perfect Master! Every single moment of my life, I get to receive my salary: His “great love”! Yet, I am not doing my job well. Am I not far from being a corrupt officer who has used up all his salary but didn’t work hard for it? Am I doing the things which could please my Master? Or the things which could somehow pay back the love of God for me? Am I doing my job good enough to receive such great salary?

Being an ambassador of an all-powerful God makes me feel unworthy. How much more unworthy could I have become if I won’t do the job God has given me (to introduce other people to Him)!

God is almighty, all-powerful, most wonderful, holy, perfect! I am nothing, weak, imperfect, a sinner, yet God chose me (and you) to work with Him and to represent Him in this world! Such a great privilege indeed! How can I represent God with such weaknesses? Yet, God has chosen us, He entrusted us that much and so we need to do our job so as to please our Master and entrust us with more! Shall we then fail our Master’s trust?

To do the great mission for God comes along with a great privilege and a challenge! Anywhere we are,, we are in a mission. Christians are always in a mission field and we must never forget that we ALWAYS receive our salary: God’s great love.
Wednelynn Padel

DAY 14
1 John 2:15-17

The title DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD encourages me not to love all things here on earth. 1 John 2:16 says that “For everything in the world, the craving of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does come not from the father but from the world.”
We are humans and sometimes we fall short on these areas. But verse 17 says that, “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever”. In this verse encourages us that if we persevere here on earth, we will have eternal life in heaven. So let us fight the good fight. Let us not love the world but instead love God WHOLE HEARTEDLY.
Vivian Belmonte

DAY 15
Psalm 21

To whom do I ask for help?
I ask for help from my family, friends, relatives even my classmates and especially in the church to my brothers and sisters. I also make myself available for them at times when they need my help, as long as I could. But there are limitations because I can’t be with them and they can’t be with me all the time. I also consider those times when they should not be disturbed, especially in the middle of the night or if they are at a meeting, at work or in class, even when I needed them the most.

But there is the One whom we can turn to at the middle of the day or night, in short at anytime... God is unlimited, no expiration, no time limit and no battery low or limited battery like our mobile phones, when we communicate with our friends and loved ones, especially those times when we need someone to talk to or someone to listen to us.

As the Psalmist said, the Lord will keep us from all harm. We are assured that the Lord is our great helper and wherever we are and whenever, we can ask him for help.  

Lord may your promise always be in my heart and remind us always that You are our Great helper and we can turn to you whenever and wherever we are! Amen.

Arcel Nistal