Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 26


Romans 8:26-27

I’m comforted by Paul’s words. “The spirit also helps in our weaknesses” (Romans 8:26). Here the apostle used a verb that means “to help by joining in an activity or effort.”

God’s spirit is joined to ours when we pray. He intercedes for us “with groaning which cannot be uttered”. He is touched by our troubles. He cites often as he prays. He cares for us deeply-more than we care for ourselves. Furthermore, he prays “according to the will of God”. (v 27). He knows the right words to say.

I need not to worry about getting my request exactly right. I need only to hunger for God and reach up, knowing that He cares.

Betty Belmonte