Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 22


Philippians 3:8-17

When I was a child, I experienced trimming leaves of a gumamela plant in front of our house. I wasn’t able to make the leaves straight because I am not sure and I cannot concentrate on what I was doing. I was afraid to be scolded and corrected by my older sister again if she wouldn’t like my performance.

I relate it in my Christian life. We keep in line.

• If we have focus: We need to fix our eyes on Jesus. I need to observe also his pattern.

• If we are not trembling and distracted with sin: We have peace and we know that we are pure before God so we can continue the purpose of God for us.

Following Christ is having a focus and having a pure heart that is not distracted with sin.

Arcel Nistal