Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2012 Quiet Time Series



Hebrews 11:1-40

Hebrews 11:1 - Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

vs. 6 - Without Faith it is impossible to please God.

When I read this passage again during my quiet time this week, it encouraged me to be reminded of the great faith of the people in the Old Testament. They have shown such incredible faith to God. It was not an easy thing; uncertainty lies ahead of them. Most of the times, their faith were tested. Abraham offered his son as a sacrifice. In holy fear, Noah built an Ark. Moses and even those less mentioned in the bible made an impact in their times and even until now. My heart is touched by their conviction of faith. Because of faith, they pleased God and by their faith they were commended and rewarded by God.

To ponder: What stops you from having great faith? What makes you fearful? What hinders you from being hopeful?

For 15 years as a disciple, there were times I struggled with having faith – a faith to see the impossible. I sometimes lose faith of believing that I can change and overcome my weaknesses and sins in life. To believe that God is working in my dating life. To be set free from financial crisis. To have a good career path. To have a successful ministry. To believe that I can be used powerfully as a missionary here in Bohol, etc. In some point, I was a candidate of losing faith especially when things seem like falling apart.

Although I have changed many things since I came here in Bohol, I have built great and big dreams in my heart. Some dreams are attainable and most of those, I lift up to God. For with Him, everything is possible for those who believe. My wildest dream is to see a foreign ministry and a lot more exciting dreams.

Conclusion: God works for you and me. Let’s work on our faith. We all have some successful stories of faith in our lives. Cling on! Hang on to God! When we surrender to God, many things can happen. Faith grows. Life changes. Let’s not give up when we only see the shadow of our dreams. Even if there is no shadow, yet let us keep on believing and have the faith that pleases God.

The bible teaches us a lot of stories about faith. It is very true. We can make a difference in our times today. We can make a history of our own faith in God. Let that faith begin now.

Rosalie Natural