Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 11


Romans 8:10

The second book I am reading is entitled “Secure in Heart” by Robin Weidner-a sister from Chicago. These are the things I’ve learned from her.

1. Security in heart is our most precious gift from God-the ultimate overflowing of his goodness to us.

2. Security usually doesn’t come from everything in life going well, but instead through trials and sufferings (Rom. 8:10)

3. What does it mean (for a woman) to be secure in heart? Bottom line, it means knowing that through the resurrection of Jesus, our own personal great Shepherd that we have been equipped with everything we need to do His will. It’s a confidence that He will work in us everything that is pleasing to Him. It is believing that our lives will bring Him glory forever and ever. It’s trusting that the covenant between us and God is eternal. And it’s looking to Him as our only true source of security.

But (sisters), this security we were created for won’t come easily. It won’t come as an “aha!” moment at the end of a sermon or preaching or as the result of a particularly great quiet time with God. It won’t come because someone exhorted us to “Be secure!” and it certainly won’t come because you’ve willed yourself to be secure. Security will come because with God and Christ at your side, you’ve battled for it.

Irene Glinogo