Thursday, February 2, 2012

DAY 28


Luke 9:28:32

As we read again the account of the Transfiguration, we can ask: What about Peter, John and James? Didn’t Jesus take them with him when He went to the mountain to pray? Yes, they were witnesses of this great and miraculous experience! However, we read in Luke 9:32 that the apostles were very sleepy. Doesn’t this sound familiar? The same happened in Gethsemane when Jesus took the same three disciples, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, along with Him to pray (Matthew 26:36-37). Among the twelve apostles, Jesus chose Peter, John and James to be with Him as He struggle in prayer yet they were sleepy.

We too can sometimes feel sleepy spiritually. We know that God has chosen us for a great task in His kingdom. Yet at times, we get sleepy. When we feel sleepy, we can miss out the powerful work of God in our lives. We can have our eyes closed as He performs miracles and gives us great blessings. When we are spiritually sleepy, we can fall into temptation and even our prayer life may become dull and powerless (Matthew 26:41).

It was only when Peter, John and James became fully awake that they saw the transfiguration, the glory of Jesus, and Moses and Elijah standing with Him. For the past three years, I had a hard time seeing God’s power and work in the mission field here in Bohol. I longed to see many Boholanos and Boholanas become disciples of God but I failed to see it. As we read again the account of the Transfiguration, let us make the decision to be fully awake. Let us be excited for what God would do here in Bohol this year 2012. Let us keep our spiritual eyes open for only when we become fully awake can we see and experience God’s power and glory!

January Samson