Friday, February 10, 2012

February 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 14


Matthew 7:12

Do you know what sums up the Law and the Prophets? The Law and the Prophets as often quoted in the Bible refers to the whole Old Testament*. And based on Matt. 7:12, this sums it up: So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. The Old Testament is about love.

• IN EVERYTHING? With no exceptions? What if they hurt me, if they hurt my family, if they humiliate me, if they kill me?

• DO TO OTHERS. Love is not just about “saying I love you” but also doing or acting in love.

• WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS TO DO TO YOU. How do you want to be treated? What are your preferences? It is good that what we want is taken into consideration. This sounds good, right?

But going the extra mile in love is doing to others what I would have them do to me in everything! This is a command that I personally need to follow and not what I need to expect that others should follow as they treat me.

How do I want to be treated?

  • With respect. Then it means, I need to respect others.
  • With honesty. Then it means, I need to be honest to others.
  • With humility. Then it means, I need to be humble toward others.
  • With love and kindness. Then it means, I need to be loving and kind to others.
  • With patience. Then it means, I need to be patient with others, etc.

When we go back to Jesus on the cross, we can see how God love us and how we need to love each other as He loves us. In everything, Jesus did to us what He would have us do to Him…and to others. He did not retaliate as sinners mocked, insulted and hurt Him. He did not insist on his human rights and godly rights. He humbly faced the angry crowd. He suffered and sacrificed for people who did not deserve it. He forgave even when the people where still hurting Him, far from repenting and far from asking forgiveness. He surrendered to the Father’s will even when it means the salvation of sinners. Jesus showed us what we need to imitate in His love: humble, forgiving, surrendered, sacrificial, God-centered.

When we say “I love you,” is this the same love as described above?

(* From: The Popular Survey of the Old Testament by Norman L. Geisler)

January Samson