Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 2012 Quiet Time Series

DAY 15


Luke 8:22-25

Sometimes, I am just afraid of the storms that come my way. It’s as if there’s no way out and I cannot move on. I just feel drowning at times and like I’m the only one carrying the problems in this world.

But this Scripture struck me this morning. Even the winds and waters obeyed Jesus. These were the very storms that scared the disciples when they were in the boat with Jesus. Take note, Jesus was with them and yet they were afraid.

As for me, I can really relate to these disciples. There are times when I am scared and afraid. But look at what Jesus said in verse 25 “Where is your faith?” (sigh) I’m ashamed that I easily forget the faith that God has given me.

So as to my decision, two things came on my mind: faith and obedience. Faith because God cannot work in a man without faith. Obedience because even with the storms in my life, Jesus can tell them to leave and go away from me. So why can’t I obey Jesus?

Irene Glinogo